Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Well Let Me Tell Ya'

   Above my television, there are two cross stitched pieces.  One is there all year which is. a very pretty, and reminds us to be thankful for all things.  Here's a picture of it.  It's good sized and I wish I could say that I stitched it! I found it all framed at a local thrift shop for $5.00.  I think I was fortunate to find it.

Now right under this gem, at this time I have one that I did do myself which is too fall like to leave up year round.  Sooooooo....

I caved in! Yeap! I did it again.  Wanting something in the bottom spot for each season, I ordered from 1-2-3 Stitch a chart for this coming spring.  This is a picture of the piece below.  I won't be doing it on the polkadot fabric.  A solid blue maybe.  We'll see! I know.  I was supposedly watching

my weakness for ordering more charts, but like I said, "I caved".  Besides! With the new year being here now and all, I got thinking about the Zen list that I posted.  Let's add one more thing to that list.  Number 13 will be "Just order with no guilt".  Sounds good to me! There now.  I feel so much better.
With 43 colors total with only two of them being DMC, it will be so pretty, and I'm sure I have most of the colors in my stash already.  Would anyone like to join me in a stitch along type thing I wonder.  I'm not going to start this until I'm finished with a project I have started.  Probably start sometime in last January.  Let me know if any of my dear followers are in with me.

Happy new year once again to y'all.  It's a beautiful day here in eastern NC.  Sun is bright and the sky is a beautiful blue.
Love to each and every one of you.  Stay warm and safe and remember to "feel the colors".


  1. Lovely choice! I don't have that chart, and I hope you find some others to have a SAL with. It looks like it would be fun to see different bits of the chart come together. Happy New Year!

  2. Oh Linda I love that chart. I would love to stitch it with you as a SAL. I do have a big commitment to hand quilt a King size quilt before June. So I just can't join right now, sadly . I have longed for that chart,since seeing it on 123, along with the other seasons, they and it, are so pretty.

  3. What a beautiful piece you have selected to hang in the lower spot above the TV! If I were stitching it, I would use a lovely light blue like Summer Sky (know it is available in Jobelan, not sure about linen or aida). I will be here cheering you on with your stitching!

  4. What a beautiful piece. I love your new Number 13. Go with it. Enjoy!

  5. What a lovely post , I like your style .
    Why not start a new design for the New Year , with out feeling guilty .
    Love your new design.

  6. LindaLee: It will be a beauty to see.
    I am looking forward to seeing your progress.




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