Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A New Year

       Good morning! The new year is  just hours away now and I want to wish you all a year full of wonderful blessings.  Also, a year with lots of love and fulfilled wishes.  A year of happy events.  I pray that your hearts will find reasons to smile and your hands will be busy with enjoyment.  That your eyes will take in colors each new day and that you'll "feel" them.

     I happened to see this below, online and want to share it today.  When you feel that there's not enough time in your day and that you just can't seem to get enough done.  When you feel frustrated and defeated, please remember these Zen Things below.  Bottom line is "Be easy on yourself".

1.  Do one thing at a time.
2.  Do it slowly and deliberately.
3.  Do it completely.
4.  Do less.
5.  Put some space between things.
6.  Develop rituals.
7.  Designate time for certain things.
8.  Devote time to sitting.
9.  Smile and serve others.
10.  Make cleaning and cooking become meditation.
11.  Think about what is necessary.
12.  Live simply.

I have done this chart below three times, and plan on doing it again in the near future.  It was a free chart and I want to share it with you, my sweet friends and followers.  I do it in either a solid color or a variegated thread.  Enjoy the stitch and let it be a daily reminder to you.

Now here's a few pictures for you to enjoy.  Colors to "feel".

     Happy 2020 y'all! I love each and every one of you.  I pray that if you don't know the Lord, that you will know Him by the end of this coming year.  Stay warm and well and may your hands be full of stitching.


  1. Oh I like that list alot. I will save it and look over it whenever I need to. Happy 2020!


  2. Words to live by. Happy New Year. I did this chart once and gave away. I am going to do one for me now. big hugs luv Lynda Ruth

  3. Happy New Year LindaLee - from your newest follower... Looking forward to TUSAL in 2020

  4. Happy New Year dear LindaLee, with all those wishes returned for you and yours, from me.
    Thank you for the colours they are so uplifting, also for the wee chart and zen advice, sage indeed.

  5. Happy New Year: Beautiful colors to look at.
    Thank-you for sharing the free chart.


  6. I really like your Zen list! Would you mind if I borrowed it and added it to my journal? I have stitched that Live Simply chart in the past -- once as a monochrome and once in colors. I really should add it to my pile to stitch for myself! Wishing you a very happy and bright New Year filled with lots of color and many stitches!



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