Saturday, May 16, 2020

Saturday Morning!

     I can't believe it's Saturday again! Wondering here once again where the week went! This shows me, that though it sometimes feels like the days are just dragging by with all the shutdowns and social distancing and all, we can still look back at the days and wonder where they went! In the meantime though, it's sad to think that little ones are growing fast without our hugs and the elderly too are getting older and more fragile without them as well.  I've been keeping the whole pandemic and how it's changing our lives in prayer since it started, and have to remind myself that God's timing is perfect.
     I have a start on the piece that I'll be gifting.  Such an easy stitch "two frog sessions already" but it is an easy piece to pick up and put in some time on.  All greens as I said before, and you can't tell much by this picture, but it's a start.  I'll do this between sessions with my spring piece.

     Yesterday, I spent a small bit of time in my little garden areas, and had to take some pictures of course.  I plant Zinnias every year in memory of my grandfather.  He was a paperhanger.  A painter.  A carpenter and a house builder.  He also had three hen houses and had about 90 chickens. He planted huge gardens every year to supply not only himself and my grandmother with all kinds of veggies to can, but the rest of his family, friends and neighbors more than enough to enjoy all summer long.  He wasn't a fancy man.  He worked hard and people always spoke highly of him and his work.  He also...........planted Zinnias every year, and no one left his house without a beautiful bouquet of them.  He planted Sweet Peas also as they were my grandmother's favorite flower.  She loved all the colors.
So, when I saw this pretty Zinnia, I thought about Grampa.

    Once a year on Mother's Day weekend, a local fire department has a plant sale.  Perennials as well as annuals, and all their plants are beautiful.  This nearly black Petunia grabbed our attention and it came home with us.  Billy thought a purple Petunia would look nice potted with it, so home came a purple one as well. You can see a bit of the lighter one, but will take more pictures as they both fill out in the new larger pot.

     I have been so blessed this season with my favorite Clematis blooming for so long and with so many flowers.  This one yesterday made me realize that there are still more to open in the coming days.

     I haven't posted a freebie in a while, and I know that it's always fun to have a quick stitch to do up between larger ones, or even when you have one in process.  These smaller ones are great to store with a needle, tiny scissors  and thread, to grab up as a take along. This I think would make up as another tiny pillow.  Y'all know how I love these little pillows! They can sit in so many places and not take up much room at all.  This pattern here is from sub Rosa, and if you go to the link here,
You'll be able to down load all that you need to do it up.  Enjoy it! If you go to my second page here, on my blog you'll also be able to see it.

     I need to go.  Time for a walk I think, and then some shutters to paint for my she shed.  Y'all need to continue to be safe.  Better safe than sorry you know.  Keep those masks on and wash, wash, wash those hands!
     Have a great weekend ahead and love you! Remember to feel those colors!


  1. Beautiful flowers you shared, LindaLee! Looking forward to seeing more of your new stitch! I hope you had a good walk and wishing you an enjoyable weekend!

  2. Walk went well. About three miles. Warm out there for sure! LOL. You have a great weekend yourself my friend.

  3. Another lovely post .
    Love your flowers .
    You are such a lovely caring person .
    We need people like you every where you see the beauty in everything . Thank you.

    1. Oh my goodness my dear June...I just don't know how to respond to such a sweet comment! I have been blessed so much because I have always loved nature and colors. God has just made me like that, and I love people as well. I love sharing my eyes and my joy with others. Thank you June ever so much. You have a wonderful blessed week my friend.

  4. LindaLee: I am really looking forward to seeing
    all the green stitched up.
    Lovely flowers to see.
    I am a big fan of SubRosa, have bought many patterns from her.


  5. Thank you for stopping in Catherine. You have enlightened me! I'm going to check SubRosa out! I need more charts and stash you know! You have a great week Catherine.

  6. That is a beautiful way to honor the memories of your Grandfather. Sorry the frog came over to visit you but hopefully he is gone now! Stay safe LindaLee!

  7. Good evening Faith, and thank you for stopping in. Thank you for your thoughts on how I do share Grampa with others. You have a wonderful week my friend. Stay safe and stay well.

  8. Linda Lee, Lovely flowers and a wonderful way to remember your Grandfather. I miss my grandparents to this day, they were such wonderful part of my youth and I was blessed to have all 4 in my life. I love sub rosa patterns and have more in my stash to stitch, thanks for sharing the freebie. Stay well...

  9. I was very close to my mom's dad and his wife. My biological grandmother died before I was born, but Bernice and Grampa were everything to me. I loved them both very much, and Bernice and I could talk to each other for hours. You continue to be safe and well. Even though things are starting to open up again and all, we're still keeping our masks and gloves on until the second phase hits. We're both in our 70's and I had a long hard battle with ITP a few years back. No such thing as being too careful.Thank you for stopping in my friend.



    Just stuff! Things that keep me from my needlework! ...Doctor appointments! As we're getting older I find there are more and more of...