Thursday, May 14, 2020

Another Great Thursday

     A beautiful day again.  I love the fact that we haven't gotten the heat and humidity that we're used to this time of year in this area of NC. Especially since all the parks, lakes, pools and beaches are closed.  Most every evening is cool and the days mild.  Loving it for working outside.
     I must show you a gift I got in the mail back a couple of weeks ago.  This came out of the blue and is hand painted and crafted.  If y'all love hiking, or the woods or the mountains, I think you'll like this.  It just looks so much like NH pines with the last of the snow and ice on them at the end of the winter season.  There are so many out there with wonderful talents.  This is six by six inches and is actually done on canvas.  One dry, she seals it all in a clear film.  I just love it.

     Now since she was so kind to send me this gift, I wanted to send her something to show how much I appreciate it.  I know she loves nature and loves to hike and all.  I decided on this cross stitch piece below.  An easy piece but it's eight by eight inches and is framed in the wooden frame.  The greens are so pretty.  Of course I love greens, so....

I picked up all I needed today to start it, and decided before anything else, that I wouldn't do it on the white Aida.  Here's the threads and the Aida I chose below.  All about the outdoors, and I think she'll like it.

This beautiful Iris is in a friend's garden in the mountains in NC.  I've never seen one such a beautiful color, and I got her okay to post it here.  Her and her husband both love to garden and they not only have beautiful perennials come up every year, but grow a lot of their own foods for the season as well.  Just look at this! It looks delicious! Can you feel the color! I can.

     Now just one more thing before I let you go once again.  I just have to show you.  I never knew that there was ever a blue bee, and I would doubt anyone who tried to convince me.  Yet there really is.  They are rare to  the point that one hasn't been seen in several years.  The feed on a plant that grows only in Florida, and I can't remember the name of it at this moment.  Look at this beauty though.  If y'all get to see one, I do hope your camera is with you.  God is just plain amazing! Thank you Father.

     I thought I had Charlene's email address, but I do not.  I did keep her address though, so I sent the chart that she gave to me, back to her so she can do it up as well.  Once again Charlene......Thank you.  I think you'll like the stitch.

     Y'all take care.  Be safe still please.  I know some establishments are opening back up and all
but I'm one that thinks it's still too soon.  I do hope that I'm wrong.  Then last but not least, feel the colors.


  1. Loved your post today .
    What a lovely gift from your friend .
    Love the pink Iris I have never seen that one before .
    Oh and the blue bee is amazing.
    Have a fun weekend.

    1. Thank you for stopping in and leaving such a sweet comment. I just love that blue bee also! I think we'll be packing a picnic lunch and headed out for a nice long ride until we find a spot to pull over for a picnic. Haven't done that for years and it's about time I think. You have a great rest of the week my friend.

  2. Linda Lee, The gift you received is beautiful!!! I'm sure she will appreciate the stitch you are making for her too. Evergreens are so beautiful, I love the scent of them in the woods. I have never seen a pink iris or a blue bee!! You find beautiful color in so many unique ways!! Stay safe, I'm with you, still going nowhere even if we open up.

    1. Hi Mary. Thank you for such a nice comment! I just love colors and love colorful pictures and scenes. I started my stitch last evening for her and it's going along well.

  3. Opening up is a bad idea. Way too soon. I love the iris and the bee. Never seen a blue bee. He looks like he has a blue sweater on. Sending you big hugs. Lynda Ruth

  4. Awww, Ruth. I love you lady! He does look like he has a blue sweater on for sure! LOL. I pray that you're staying well and careful. Have a wonderful weekend my dear friend!

  5. Never heard of a blue bee, that's my new information for today, thank you.
    A lovely gift from your friend. She'll like the one you are stitching for her.

    1. Hi Julie! Thank you for stopping in. For you lovely comment as well. Being the type of picture that it is, that I'm's hard to make anything out until far more is done. Will keep y'all posted though. Have a great weekend!

  6. LindaLee: What a very beautiful gift to receive, the design you are stitching for her is lovely.
    I am loving that bee so positively beautiful, God is an amazing artist.


    1. He is indeed Catherine, and I often think about how He has such an imagination as well! Thank you for you lovely comment my friend.

  7. Gorgeous gift and very interesting how she seals it in clear plastic. I think you picked the absolute best fabric for your stitch as it will look like the sky above the trees. Enjoy your gardening!

    1. It is sealed in the plastic to hold the pinecone together! Yes! The pinecone itself isn't painted! It is actually made from colored glass pieces. Once Cat shapes the cone, she seals it up, as the glass isn't glued together!

  8. Loved the picture of the blue bee. I never would have imagined that it would exist. I’ve been reading your blog for some years now and am grateful for it is uplifting and inspiring. - Dave

    1. Well look who's here! Thank you our dear friend, Dave for being such a faithful follower and leaving a comment this time around. I appreciate it.

  9. Gorgeous pink iris and what a stunning blue bee! What a lovely gift you received, LindaLee! That is a cool chart you are going to be stitching. Who is the designer? Enjoy your Saturday!

  10. Thank you for your visit R, as well as your comment. The chart is a VladiaXStitch. It's an Etsy shop, and her designs are very reasonable. The price says, $14.60, which is a mistake. It was only $4.60 and is a PDF file as well. You have a wonderful weekend my friend.



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