Thursday, November 5, 2020

Oh My!

      Oh my! Something I love about living in this part of North Carolina! It has been chilly, with temperatures in the low 40's the last several mornings here.  We've had to turn the heat on to stay comfy in the mornings and evenings.  This morning though, and exactly at five a.m., I let little Guthrie out to pee and it was 55 degrees and no breeze at all.  Right now at a little after nine, it's a warm 66! It's a great difference and a nice surprise.  So today, we'll get some work done outside and enjoy the feeling of the sunshine on our shoulders! Thank you Father.

     So I took a couple of the birdfeeders in a few days ago.  Wanted to give them a good wash and dry.  In the meantime, once they were dry and waiting on the table to be refilled...........TinyGirl found them! I asked her what gives her the right and she gave me this look. I think she's telling me that she earned it!

Okay now.  I got a lesson in the problems with having a stash! Problems! I never ever thought that there was even one, and realize that it may just be with me.  Gosh I hated to say that! LOL  Anyway! My son and his family will be moving to a house that they just purchased.  They have been keeping their eyes open for years for a perfect one for their needs.  So we were thrilled to know this, and of course, right away I wanted to stitch up something for the new home.  I looked through my stash three times, and I do mean looked real well.  I thought I had ordered a chart weeks back simply because I liked it.  Well.  After the third time, I figured I must have been dreaming! So I ordered this below with all the specialty threads and the fabric as well! It also takes DMC colors.  I went out in my shed a couple of days after it arrived and again, was looking through my stash for something.

Well, here's what I ran across! I was looking for a larger envelope and I guess just kept overlooking it! I was really upset with myself.  Ordering this with the fabric and all the specialty threads and all wasn't cheap, and here I just didn't spot it until it was too late! Now I'm wondering about the system I use to store my stash.

Out in the yard this morning, I had to take a couple of pictures.  The Camellias are all in bloom in this area.  They bloom in the late fall and through the winter months here.  Nice to see some color out there.

The last of this years zinnia's as well.

 I brought lots of plants in a couple of days ago.  Ones that I've had for years and want to continue watching out for them.  Have to have color inside as well. I'm excited every year when I find all the buds on my cacti.

I'm hoping to start a different blog for the SAL that I'm having starting in January, but at this point, I'm stumped as to how to do it.  If anyone wants to jump in here to help, please feel free to! You can also email me at  Now you must remember that I'm old, and step one, two and three type directions would help! LOL
Now, I must let you go for this time around.  I sure do love you all and pray that you stay safe and well.  Keep those fingers busy and remember to "feel the colors"


  1. Oh LindaLee, I have done that with thinking I had a chart and ordering it (and the fixings) only to discover I already had it. It is a lovely design. Is your son and his family moving closer to you? Lovely flower photos you shared. Your weather today is very similar to ours here in VA today. Heading out to take another short walk with Max.

  2. LindaLee: I get up at 4:30 to put out Krissy and now a new baby, Mikey, he is a cutie pie.
    I see your boo boo kitty is like mine anything new and Blondie needs to make it hers.
    That design is very popular, I think I have it in my stash, so easy to buy a double, I need a check list to keep track of what I have.
    Beautiful flowers.


  3. A lovely design to stitch for your son. I think we all have trouble at one time or another with controling our stash, whether patterns or fabric. It couldn´t be that we have too much could it?

  4. Sorry you ended up buying everything over again. The good news is that fabric and floss can all be used on another project so you are only really out the cost of the chart. Will your son be moving close to you so you can drop over often? Glad the weather is cooling of a bit for you.

  5. I love embroidery too.I have many pictures embroidered with cross stitch.But in recent years I have been "held" by the richelieu style.
    Best wishes Eva

    1. On my goodness Eva. I had never heard of the style you just mentioned. I looked it up on google and it's beautiful! I would love to see some of your work.

  6. This has been some crazy weather this month, but no snow here yet!
    TinyGirl is adorable, I'm sure she thinks she's helping?
    Oh, how frustrating to find your pattern and extras after reordering it! You might love it enough to stitch again? Or at least you can use the fabric and threads for something else.



    Just stuff! Things that keep me from my needlework! ...Doctor appointments! As we're getting older I find there are more and more of...