Saturday, February 29, 2020

Sunny Saturday Morning


I love waking up and finding that the sun is shining.  The sky is a beautiful blue and the birds are feeding at our feeders.  God is so good. I hope that you all wake up to a sunny day as well.  Even if it's rainy, snowy or cloudy in your areas, if you think happy thoughts and look at the bright side of things, it can be every bit as sunny for y'all.  

Durene Jones has been busy again! I don't think she ever stops! She has just posted this sweet pattern below, and I want to pass it on to you my faithful followers.  You can stop in over at her Facebook page, Durene Jones Cross Stitch, and enjoy her beautiful works.  She also has an Etsy page where you can browse all her patterns.  Her prices are great.  Here is the new freebie.......Sloths are becoming quite popular lately, so enjoy this little stitch!

Durene has been so dear, and has told me that we can share her free patterns freely, as long as she gets the credit for them.  Please stop in and see her.

I have been stitching on my Spring Renewal, and am on the very last house on it.  Will post another picture of it, as soon as they're done.  What colors! Robin, over at sent me  some great information on parking needles, and I'm going to check into it......It would save time working on this type of piece, with lots of color changes.  Thank you so much Robin.

The 52 Week SAL! It's a really neat SAL, as each weeks chart only takes a couple, three hours to finish and you choose any color, or colors to work with that you want.  I've chosen a variegated green.  So far so good.

Our book club library meeting was yesterday, and we enjoyed the time with the discussion on our last book we read.  Now for this coming month, we have "Wild Swans" by Jung Chang.  I good size book, and I do hope that it is one that I'll enjoy reading.  Wondering if any of my dear friends and followers  here have read it and what they thought of it.  Let me know.  Doesn't seem like the kind of book I would choose on my own, but if I can hear just one, "I liked it" I would hope that it would become one of my favorite reads!

My sunny spot and favorite stitching chair is calling my name, and I must go for this time around.  I do hope that you will all have a wonderful stitchy weekend full of beautiful colors.  In the meantime, stay warm, well and safe.  Love to each and every one of you.  I'll be back soon.  Remember to "feel the colors"!


  1. Can't offer a recommendation on the new book as I have never read (or even heard of it until I read your blog post). It is sunny here with a chilly breeze. I love the graphic at the top of today's post. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Thank you for stopping in Robin, and I do give God the glory for this beautiful day. You have a wonderful weekend my friend.

  3. Hi LindaLee, I home from the hospital, spent 5 days in. I am feeling great and all my back pain has evaporated. I think if was mostly from the kidney. I did 30 mins on my mill this morning without any pain in my back. Love your blog today thanks for all the prayers, I really needed them the first day, could hardly breath after the operation. But I am breathing great now and happy to be home so is Dave glad I am home. big hugs love Lynda Ruth

  4. Happy, happy and happy for you my sweet friend. It's amazing what the doctors can do today. The surgery you had and then on the tread mill with no pain is awesome. God is so good. I'm glad you're home and feeling so much better. Thank you for stopping in once again, and leaving an update!

  5. Your work is lovely and your blog is always so uplifting .
    Have a lovely Sunday .

  6. Thank you so much for your sweet comment. Looking out my sewing room window this morning, I see that we have just a slight breeze, but again, the sun is bright and the sky beautiful. You have a blessed week my dear friend.

  7. Wet and windy weekend here, but I've been doing a little sorting out of the craft area. It does get in such a mess when excitement comes and you just cant wait to start the new project. Time for a clear out and put away session today. I hope the 'park it' is shared as it might benefit us all.
    Have a lovely week.

  8. Hi Julie! Thank you once again for stopping in, and sharing the park it help would indeed be good. I know exactly what you mean about starting a next project and the excitement that goes along with it. I have to make myself put all my threads away in the correct order before I start another piece. area where I do all my different types of needlework gets in such a mess. Have a great week my friend.

  9. I always try to stay positive. The other options just don't feel good. Love the new Durene Jones freebie. Adorable. Your blackwork piece looks fantastic. Enjoy your new book.

  10. Today was a beautiful morning, I woke up to the moon shining in our bedroom!
    Thanks for sharing the pattern, Durene definitely has some sweet designs.
    I have yet to start that SAL, but was thinking of doing it in blues. I'll get it started one of these days!



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