Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Totally Late TUSAL

  By at least a couple of days.  Missed the new moon all together, but kept all my snips and bits straightened out.  This below  is a picture of all my snipped threads since the new moon in January.  I opened the book that I mentioned I was reading to get this picture.  The book is finished by the way and I'm looking forward to the reading club's meeting on Thursday.  Looking at these threads though,

do make me smile.  I can see so many colors that come from my "Spring Renewal", and I am enjoying it more now.  I just had to make myself appreciate all the rethreading the needle just for as few as two stitches.  I can see how worth the time it is.  Here's my ort vase that I'm using for the time being with both January's and February's threads.

     More of the village done, and there is even more since I took this picture below.  I have just two more houses to complete the homes in the piece.  Once all the homes are done, I'll go back and do the windows in them.  So it's moving along.

     I have a couple of new followers and I want to first welcome them and then tell you a little about their blogs.
     First there's Julie at Julie's Stitchyknitter Journal Blog.  Julie's Stitchyknitter Journal.  She not only cross stitches but knits beautifully and crochets as well. She enjoys reading and likes the outdoors.  She lives in the United Kingdom.  Please stop in and say, "Howdy".

     Then there is Astrid.  She has a beautiful family and is cross stitching a piece right now.  Nice stitching indeed.  I have only ever been to one cross stitch retreat and loved it, but it sounds like Astrid has been to several.  She also loves dragons!  She lives in Maryland and you can find her blog here at http://astridxstitching.blogspot.com/. Again.  Please stop in and let her know you were there.
     It was such a pretty day a few days back, that we went to the beach and decided to walk along the water's edge.  Several people felt the same way.  Some reading in beach chairs.   Some looking for shells and all.  Then I saw a group of three girls just laughing and having fun.  After I asked them if they would like me to take a picture of all three of them together, I wound up jumping in the air with them.  Sweet girls just having fun.  I'm sure you can spot me with them below.  I'm the old girl!

     Check this blackwork piece out below.  I saw it and fell in love with it.  Gave in, and ordered it to make up sometime in the future.  So pretty. 

Then I saw it done with DMC 111, and will do the same.  It seems so much brighter and even more realistic using the golds and yellows.

     Now I think I need to let y'all go.  It's 10:30 now and my eyes are letting me know that fact!
It feels so good getting a new post back out to you.  Love each and every one of you my sweet friends and followers.  So safe and well until next time, and "Don't forget to feel the colors".


  1. Lindalee, what a lovely chatty post.

    1. Hi Kaye! When I went to look up your blog, I saw that you have several. I'm thinking about joining the Americana SAL. I have a couple of pieces going at the moment, but want to keep your SAL in mind. Looks like fun. You certainly have some beautiful stitching on all your blogs. Thank you so much for stopping in. Be sure to come back!

  2. Your jar is filling up nicely.
    It's me, your new follower, thank you for recommending me to others.
    Fun with the girls at the beach, we could do with that sunshine here in the UK.
    Blackwork always looks very elegant to me. The gold bee version is very eye catching.

    1. Hi Julie. I was just over to your blog. We've really been blessed this winter in our area. Just a few days of cold weather, but what we think is cold would make you laugh! Us southerners are weaklings when it comes to cold! The summers here though are very uncomfortable. Have a great rest of the week my dear friend.

  3. I think the blackwork piece looks so pretty in the yellows/golds. Very eye-catching! It looked like you had a good time at the beach. Your house piece is coming along. Have you thought about making a needle park (it allows you to keep several needles threaded at a time)? That way you don't have to keep changing out threads.

    1. That would be perfect for this type of piece Robin. I have never caught on to it though, but see where it makes so much sense! I'll have to look into parking the needle again and see if I can figure it out. Have a great week Robin.

  4. Love the petty black work and your little houses are so sweet .
    What fun you had with those young girls . I love to do mad things now and again ,what fun.

    1. I find that my age really is a plus so often with the younger people that I run into. They treat me respectfully and like a friend. I just enjoy life! Thanks for such a sweet comment.

  5. LindaLee: Your Village is lovely.
    That cat is a hoot, so many lovely colors.
    It has been nice here in Minnesota, soon the colder weather will be back.

    1. Thank you for stopping in again Catherine.. I feel so honored to have such a faithful friend. Enjoy the rest of this week.

  6. Very pretty blackwork! I love the photo of you and those girls jumping on the beach!

  7. Thank you so much for stopping in and the comments as well. Come back again. Have a great weekend.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. LindaLee you have an excellent blog. I read about it on 123 board.
    https://cosycrossstitch78.blogspot.com/ is my blog if you have time to visit

  10. Thank you so very much for stopping in and leaving such a nice compliment. Headed on over to your blog right now. Please stop in again soon.

  11. Beautiful progress on your WIP and glad to hear you are falling in love with it more. We love the beach. Sounds like you had a lovely time. How fun to pose for a photo with your new friends. You're just like me don't know a stranger. I love being that way. Oh I love that blackwork piece. Bees are really popular lately. Your two new followers are friends of mine. Glad to see they found you too.

  12. Your ort jar will be filled in no time and the village is coming along nicely.
    Thank you for the shout out and I already follow the lovely Julie!
    I love that you joined in with the girls, never too old to have fun!
    OMGoodness, that's one of the patterns I love and want to get in the future. Yours looks beautiful so far, I look forward to seeing it grow.
    Do you have an email so I can respond to you directly when you comment on my blog?



    Just stuff! Things that keep me from my needlework! ...Doctor appointments! As we're getting older I find there are more and more of...