Saturday, April 11, 2020

A New Start!

     What a gorgeous day we had! A cold start, but it warmed up nicely and the sky was a beautiful blue all day! Before I forget! I do want to wish you all a Happy Easter day tomorrow.  Our church will have two parking lot services in the morning.
     Walked about three miles this afternoon, and didn't forget to get some pictures of our findings.  First of all, our neighborhood chalk artist left us a message right out in front of our house! Finding this at the start of the walk made it all worth it.  Thank you Amanda! Love you four over there.

I don't know if I've posted a picture of the Thistle that grows wild down here in NC.  Now I realize that some may consider them unattractive and down right ugly! I indeed wouldn't want a yard full of them.  They're even hard to pick! I love yellow though and the flower itself is quite unique.

A mile and a quarter down the road, my son Guy and his family live.  So on the way back toward our house I called my little daughter-in-law, Robin, and asked if she could put a couple of bottles of water out on her front lawn.  We got there before she got her gloves on and all, so I got this picture of her with our water! She has a really bad immune system, so she needs to be extra careful with this coronavirus.  She has been fighting with a sinus infection for four months now.

Just down a few houses from her, we spied some Clematises! Beautiful! The first picture, you can see that there are actually two different ones planted together.

A mile later, I happened to see this little fellow laying at the side of the road.  Didn't get too close as you never know what animals are friendly and what ones aren't! He was in an area with no houses, so he must have wandered away from home.

     Now is a good time to mention my sweet little friend, Ashlyn.  Ashlyn is the little one that asked me why our little dog, Guthrie, had to have an operation.  Now, Ashlyn is seven, and I didn't think she needed to know anything about a dog getting neutered......So I told her that Guthrie just had to have a minor adjustment! She was happy with the answer and we went on another subject! LOL.  Today,  Ashlyn decided to have her own little yard sale.  So I walked on over and we all kept our distances mind you.  These two paintings that Ashlyn did herself caught my eye.  For sure, you'll be able to feel the colors here! These will be going in my she shed.  They're both on canvas even! They're much brighter than they appear here.

                                      Ashlyn, before all this virus stuff and all, would come
over and visit with me.  Usually with a gift that she herself had made for me in her hand.  We find plenty to talk about.  She's a sweet little girl, and I'm looking forward to when her visits can start again.
     Now, for my start today! I mentioned this birthday gift in another post, and decided that I would work on it off and on when I'm not working on my larger spring piece.  So the start was this one below.  No picture of my start this time.  The two colors I started with are so pale in color, and one threaded half stitch to top it off.  So it would be very hard to see anything at all at this point. This is a kit and it will finish up at nine by twelve.

     Will let y'all go for this time around.  Thank you all for being so loyal to me and leaving your sweet comments.  I love each and every one of you! Now you stay safe going out and stay well.  Last of all, as always...............Don't forget to "feel the colors."


  1. Loved your uplifting post and enjoyed your walk.
    Have a Happy Easter and stay safe.

    1. Thank you for the lovely comment! Happy Easter to you as well my friend.

  2. I enjoyed my walk with you today!! The cleamatis is so beautiful. I have tried several times to grow them but they just died on me so I gave up trying. Have a Happy Easter!

  3. Good morning Mary and Happy Easter to you also. It's a beautiful morning here. Don't give up on the Clematis! They're hardy in your area! They like their roots shaded. So I put mine in and then put things, such as pieces of plant pots around the base of them, making sure that these things aren't actually on the ground. If they are, they'll just transfer the heat from the sun to the roots of the plant. Thank you for stopping in this morning Mary.

  4. Thank you for taking me along on your walk, LindaLee! Love the chalk art in front of your house. Great idea! What pretty pieces of art Ashlyn created! Wishing you and yours a blessed Easter!

  5. Thank you Robin and Happy Easter to you and yours as well. It was a beautiful day here, and still, a mild breeze. You have a wonderful and blessed week. Be safe and stay well.

  6. How nice to have your son and his family right down the street not to mention that it is good for water breaks! Ashlyn's portraits are gorgeous! Lots of great things to look at on your walks!

  7. Thank you for stopping in and leaving your comment Faith. It is great being close to family. I'll have to tell Ashlyn what you said about her artwork. It will make her little heart smile for sure.

  8. Cute paintings from your neighbor. Love your new start. My mom loves all things nautical so I've stitched several lighthouses for her.

  9. That's great that you have family you can walk to visit, and nice to have water waiting for you when you do.
    Lovely artwork to add to your she shed and even better that you know the artist!



    Just stuff! Things that keep me from my needlework! ...Doctor appointments! As we're getting older I find there are more and more of...