Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A Pretty Chilly Tuesday

     Needed the heat turned on early this morning.  It was only 40 when we got up and never did get any warmer! What a difference from one day to the next! I was cloudy a good part of the day, but the sun came out close to five thirty this evening.  I napped on the porch this afternoon, but had my heated throw over me.
     Now I have to show you what Billy brought home to me yesterday morning.  He takes our two little fur babies for an early morning walk each and every day.  He came home yesterday and placed this in my hand! How beautiful! I really don't know if it's a butterfly or a moth.  It didn't seem scared and actually walked all over my arms, neck and head.  I put it outside on a shrub and it hung out a good part of the day on different herbs in my garden.  It was so windy that I thought for sure it would just blow away!

    Took a little different route a couple of days ago and got another picture of part of Sloccum Creek.  On a nicer day, we'll pack a lunch and go for a little fishing. 

     I did have to take a couple of pictures of my roses in bloom.  Haven't even cut them back yet this year.  Going to have to get to that soon.  The yellow ones are my favorites.  Both are pretty though.

     I noticed the other day that the one blueberry bush that we have is loaded with tiny berries.  The birds share the berries with us each and every year.  How nice of them.

     I pray that this virus will die out soon.  That people will be healthier than ever and thankful for every new day.  I'm really getting concerned as this quarantine goes on.  I haven't really minded it, but this showed up on one of the plates at the dinner table last night..........Maybe someone is getting bored! Keep in mind that only adults live in this house! I also know that the dinner I made, looked better than what this looks like here. LOL

I've been working on my spring piece and enjoying it.  Loving the two different variegated greens in the grass, and I also outlined another house.  A little bit each day.  Now that I take a good look at the picture, I can see that it isn't the clearest photo I've ever taken! We'll blame the caffeine in the Hershey's Kisses that I've been eating! Yeap! That's what it was exactly!

     Okay my dear friends and followers.  I'll let you go for this evening.  Please stop in and let me know how you're all handling this way of life.  I pray that you're all doing well and keeping safe when you do go out.
     Enjoy tomorrow and I'll be back shortly.  Remember to, "feel those colors"


  1. What a beautiful Moth!
    The weather here has been back & forth, 1 day warm the next day in the 30's.
    We've had snow squalls the last 2 days also.
    It will be sunny, then get very dark & snow, then sunny again.
    Take care.

    1. Hi Marilyn! Thanks for stopping in. That's what it has been like here. Just when we think we've seen the last of the chilly it comes again. We've actually had days up in the low 80's! We're being careful and haven't been out a lot. Other than my morning walks that is. You stay safe and well also my dear friend.

  2. It is al lovely Moth. Glad you let it go. I know the weather sure is moody. I am trying to make alittle veg garden by the house but the weather is too cold to stay out too long. I just have to pull up the weeds and put down new black soil but I don't like freezing at the same time. Just trying to do alittle each day. I like the way your stitching is coming along. Stay safe and warm. Big hugs Lynda Ruth

    1. Howdy my friend! So glad you stopped in. This time of the year certainly is hard when planning and planting a garden. I put in my basil last week, and the sun burnt it. Then it has been down in the thirties the last two nights. I've put all my indoor plants out on our porch and have brought them back in twice! LOL. We just never know. I hope you're doing real well and you be careful and stay well.

  3. What a gorgeous moth or butterfly! I think more moth than butterfly. Your spring stitch is moving along, LindaLee. I am enjoying the 50s that we have had the last couple days. Stitching, reading, and doing chores here!

    1. Stitching and gardening a little here Robin. Very little gardening that is. Just isn't quite there yet, to be able to put everything out and know that it isn't going to be too cold again this season. I do my morning walks and work in my shed a little each day. You have a great rest of the week Robin, and stay safe and well.

  4. We had 70's last week and now we are supposed to get a snow storm. 3 to 5 inches tomorrow here in Northern Indiana. Crazy. Gorgeous moth. We love seeing them. Glad he found a nice home in your garden. Beautiful progress on your WIP.

  5. Oh noooooo. Not snow! Oh my gosh. Makes me think of NH weather. Some of our worse snow storms were in April and even early May. It is indeed crazy! Getting ready to stop in and visit with you my sweet friend. You take care.

  6. Lovely roses you have blooming.
    The dinnertime smile made me smile too.

    1. Thank you Julie. I hope you're staying safe and well. To think that this could go on for months is saddening. We're there for the long haul though, and my stash is looking good.

  7. Beautiful moth , we find these big ones sometimes in the garden .
    Your stitching is looking beautiful.
    Stay safe , things will get better.

  8. Thank you for stopping and leaving a comment. I always look forward to hearing from my friends. Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. I'm getting a little tired of being teased by warm weather only for it to get cold and rainy again!
    Beautiful roses, I really should plant some in our yard.
    Men/boys, they never really grow up, but they keep us entertained!
    Nice progress on your stitching, perfectly springy.



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